Getting Started

We are so excited that you are considering water baptisms for your child! Baptism is an outward symbol of an internal decision to follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Our children are encouraged not only to learn about Jesus, but to obey Him and know Him personally. We want them to continually take steps to become closer to Him every day of their lives. We advise families to wait until their child understands the symbolism before they get baptized. While younger children can have a relationship with Jesus, they will not necessarily remember or understand the significance of the event. So we encourage parents to wait for baptism until they are approximately second grade or older. How do you know when your child is ready? We can help you with that decision! You can walk through the following scripture reading, and discussion questions to help you determine whether your child is ready to be baptized!

Devotional time

Use the following to chat with your child about baptism. Open your Bible with your child and read/discuss together.

Read Matthew 3:13 - 17, Matthew 28:19 - 20


Water baptism is one of the first steps you take in following Jesus. A follower of Jesus doesn’t just learn about Jesus but follows Him and does the things He did and taught. One of the reasons you should be baptized is because Jesus set an example for us. Before Jesus taught about God and performed many miracles, He was baptized. So we get to follow his example and be baptized too.

Another reason you should be baptized is because we get to declare to our family, friends and church family that we are a follower of Jesus. Before Jesus went to heaven he told his followers to tell more people about Him and to baptize them. That is because it shows everyone that we have been changed and the family of God can continue to encourage us in our walk with the Lord.

Question: What are two reasons you should be baptized in water?


Read Colossians 2:12


Water baptism is an outward picture of what Jesus has done for you on the inside. Jesus dies for your sins, was buried, and then was raised from the dead back to life! When you were saved from sin by making Jesus your Lord, there was a death, burial, and raising to life that happened in your spirit. This is why you go all the way under the water when you are baptized. You’re showing people that your old spirit and all your sins are buried with Jesus. When you come out of the water, you’re saying that Jesus has given you a new life inside, and that you have been born again! Everyone can see the picture of the change that has taken place on the inside of you.

Question: Water baptism, going under the water and coming up again, is a picture of what?


Read Romans 6:4


Water baptism doesn’t save or make you born again. It has no purpose or meaning until after a person has decided to follow Jesus, and have invited Him to be Lord of their life. However, water baptism is a very important step in following Jesus. When you decided to follow Jesus, you made a decision of faith to receive Him into your life. When you are baptized in water, you are making a decision of faith to follow Him your whole life. You are choosing to let Jesus be in charge of your new life. Your water baptism will always be a reminder of your decision to follow Jesus.

Question: What decision are you making when you are water baptized?

Is my child ready?

Use these questions and example answers to help you determine if your child is fully ready. If you feel your child does not understand or cannot answer the following questions in their own words from their own heart, then it is entirely appropriate and okay to wait until they are ready.

When did you decide to follow Jesus and become born again?

Your child should have a specific memory of when he or she understood what Jesus did and that they need Jesus in their life. It may have been at church, home, or even when they were alone.

What does it mean to be water baptized?

It means you are a follower of Jesus. It is a picture of what Jesus has done on the inside of my heart. Jesus died and was raised to life again, and when you decide to follow Jesus you go under the water and come up it shows that you have a new life with Jesus

Why do you want to be baptized?

I want to follow Jesus’ example and be baptized too. I am following Jesus and I want everyone to know! Because I was born again.

Signing up

If your child is ready for baptism, let us know! Fill out this short form and the church will reach out to you!


Is baptism your next step? Sign up at to talk with someone about it.